We live in a holographic universe.

The etymology of the word archetype means original model, which reveals that your true nature is not defined by what your family or culture of origin has told you. Instead, it is a holographic pattern that has always existed, an imprint beyond time, unaffected by human narratives.

This means that your pattern is eternal, because you are the embodiment of infinity within a structural form. You are not a product of fleeting identities but an expression of something far greater, an unchanging essence woven into existence.

As a species, we do not recognize our own eternity. Because of this, we engage in violence, both subtle and overt, in the form of abuse and neglect toward others and toward ourselves. We believe we are fragile, incomplete, and defined by our enmeshment with others rather than seeing ourselves as sovereign reflections of the infinite. These distortions keep us bound to suffering, perpetuating cycles of harm rather than embodying the truth of who and what we are.